theEMPLOYEEapp Image Style Guide

Are you wondering what the best practices are for creating images for your employee app and intranet? What size thumbnails should you use? Calendar invite images? Carousels? We have you covered.

Having optimal images in your employee app and intranet can make a huge difference in improving engagement on your content. That’s because images are the first thing your employees see on a piece of content. Like your content titles and captions, images go a long way toward getting employees to click and consume your content. So, we want to make sure you are able to create images that look great on your app and create that amazing end-user experience.

This theEMPLOYEEapp image guide includes our best practices and optimal image sizes for:

  • Thumbnails
  • App Logos (inside the app)
  • Images in Rich Text
  • Carousel Banners
  • Event Images

If you still have questions please reach out to your Client Success Account Manager or let us know.