How to Post From the Mobile App
We believe that publishing content on our employee app or intranet should be easy. That’s why any user of theEMPLOYEEapp who has some level of administrative permissions can post from either the Content Management System (CMS) or from the mobile app. This will work for System Admins, Profile Admins, or Content Publishers.
Any user with permission to post in some capacity will see the “crown” icon in the upper right-hand navigation of the intranet. Clicking this will take you to the CMS, where they can publish to the groups and folders they have access to. Profile admins can publish anywhere within a specific profile, and system admins can post anywhere to anyone within the application.
Download this guide to go through the steps for posting from your mobile device, including:
- How to open the content creation card on mobile
- Writing content titles and captions
- Selecting groups to target your post to
- Selecting post options (e.g. push notifications, likes/comments, etc.)
- Choosing a content folder to post to
- Editing your post on mobile
If you still have questions after reading the guide, please reach out to your Customer Success Account Manager or fill out this form to let us know. A member of our team would be happy to assist you.